From Washington that is.
Actually we got back a couple weeks ago now.
And we picked up a puppy in Kentucky along the way!
Everybody this is Bane.
He is a Shiba Inu.
He is 10 weeks now.
And we love him.
Scratch that.
We are creepy, madly, obsessed, in love with him.
As though he was our first born.
And naughty.
And fluffy.
And playful.
And naughty.
And cuddly.
Some of my favorite parts about him...
He likes to be on his back and for you to hold him like a baby.
He goes into our bedroom to take naps with us.
He jumps off of high objects.
He prances when he runs.
He can sit already!
He FREAKS out when we get home because he missed us so much.
Some of my least favorite parts about him...
Need I continue?
He likes to bite his leash.
He bites my legs.
He chews on mostly anything.
But then he comes over and cuddles and I can't help but love him.
I think I will stop here..
I have made my point of how much we love him.
Expect lots more from this little munchkin.