If you have kept up with my blog at all you could hopefully tell that I am a Christian. I wouldn't say I am religious. Mainly because when I think of the word religious I think of the people who have to pray in the right direction 8 times a day at the right hours. Or those who can't eat pork. I usually stay away from the word "religion" because my life isn't about following rules. My relationship with Jesus is just that, a relationship. One more important than any other in my life. Not a rule book that I am obligated to follow in order to get into the pearly gates! Actually it's just the opposite. I am so screwed up that if getting into heaven was up to me, I would never make it. Neither would you. We are
flawed people. Just that sentence is redundant, because "people" always
flawed. So flawed, that if I was in charge of getting myself into heaven, I couldn't buy into a religion like that. No matter how "good" I am, I still have ugly thoughts, unkind reactions, and poor judgment at times. All that stuff I just listed is called sin. And sin requires death. Not because God is unfair, or because he hates us, but just the opposite. God is a fair judge. Would you want to believe in a God who took sides with some people and not with others? Would you want case by case to be objective? I wouldn't, because what if you were on the bad end of an objective judge. God is the perfect judge because he demands perfect and fair justice from all of us. So that sounds like thats it huh? We sin, so we die. Well, kind of. We all know that we all will die one day. We have seen it in every kind of situation all throughout our lives. To people too young to die, too nice to die, too loved. But no matter what we do to prevent death, it always comes at some point. Where Jesus comes in is when we start talking about what happens after we die. Some people believe when our bodies die we are completely gone, and over. I can't believe that. I believe that there are two places we will end up, heaven or hell. That sounds harsh, but like I have said, I'm not big into sugar coating things. So like I said, sin requires death. After our bodies die, then what? How do we get into heaven when we have sinned our entire lives. You see, God is perfect, holy. And he can't be reunited with us without a sacrifice for our sins. In the olden days, that meant people would kill a perfectly white lamb or another "clean" animal. Because in order for us to get away with our sins, someone or something that is perfectly innocent has to take our place. So maybe you're wondering why we don't still sacrifice animals on our behalf? That's where Jesus steps in. Sin separates us from God and requires a payment. Jesus was a man. But not just any man, Jesus was also God. 100% man and 100% God. He lived for 33 years without
ever sinning. Which made Him a great sacrifice, if He were just a man. But because He was God, it made Him the
perfect sacrifice. The only sacrifice that could cover each and every one of all of our sins. When He was crucified,he said "
Tetelestai" which means "
paid in full." Because of Jesus dying on the cross for our sins, we have the opportunity to be reunited with God again. All we have to do is "Confess with our mouth and believe in our heart" Romans 10:9-10 that Jesus is Lord who has saved us, we will be saved from hell and get to spend eternity with our Maker.
Pretty cool, huh? I thought so when I was 15 and have been striving to live as though for God in everything I do since then! I am not by any means a perfect/good/ideal Christian. I still mess up just about every day. I am not always as forgiving, loving, kind as I should be. It's not always easy. Sometimes people criticize what I believe and who I am because of what I believe. Sometimes I have to disagree with people with the risk of sounding hateful. (Though no disagreements I have with people are ever hateful from my end). And sometimes I have to miss out on opportunities others would get to experience because of my faith. But more than anything, I know that my life with God on my side is infinitely better than it ever was before I knew Him. We are all searching for something bigger than ourselves to believe in. Like I said, if it all depended on me, my life would be a complete train wreck. Just like I would assume yours would be. I haven't always done what is "right" as a Christian. And I have a testimony to go with my entire life with and away from God that I would love to share with you if you are interested in hearing. Jesus is just about my favorite thing ever to talk about. If you ever have questions, comments, or arguments about what I had to say, please, share with your hearts content!
God Bless,