Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Favorite Blogs.

Just a quick note:

I need to share with you guys two of my favorite blogs!

  1. This guy, Jon Acuff came to Convocation on Monday. Convo is like a big get together of the entire school where we do worship and a speaker comes to talk. Its awesome. And Monday was super awesome, because Jon came! He is hilarious and witty. He is super sarcastic and extremely clever. And he loves Jesus. He spoke of what it means to be a Christian and not use the Christian "F" word of fine. He said to be real or nothing good is going to come of it. He has three books out and a BLOG! We all know my love for blogs, so I have to share this with you! Enjoy!
  2. This is Kendi's blog. Well one of them. I know I sound like we're friends or something.. We're not. I wish though, cause this girl is funny. She talks about the funny happenings in life and in marriage, and I love reading it! Check it out and tell me you don't love it! Better Off Wed [and of course I love the name].
Enjoy browsing through some of my favorite blogs!


Monday, August 29, 2011

You are Being Used.

Since I left home and came to Virginia, I have been questioning a lot of things.

Why am I here?
Should I be in this major?
Am I as strong as I thought I was?

You get the idea.

Yesterday I had the coolest realization, that has just been reinforced over and over again in the past 48 hours.

My Question: Am I being of use to the Lord?

I am taking a New Testament Survey class. In which we are to read the entire New Testament by the end of the semester, and read corresponding text with it. Currently I'm in the gospel of Mark.

In my reading of the text also assigned for the class, the author is giving an overview of information that he believes we should know in order to understand the writings of the New Testament.

Throughout the text, the author is talking about different historic events in which different rulers controlled Israel. They are talking about different courses of events in which languages changed for the land, and other factual evidence like that.

Reading the text, I realized something. God had a purpose for each and every person in these historic stories. Even the worst of the rulers, God used for His purpose. Even what seemed to be the worst possible events, God knew they were coming, and He knew exactly how to use them to better His Kingdom.

This arose the question in my heart:
If God can use the most wicked of people to better His Kingdom, why couldn't He use me?
This thought process continued. I thought about all that I had just learned and all that I read about, and this question came up:
If we are saved, if we choose to give our lives to God, and know that we are going to heaven, why doesn't God just snatch us up from earth right then? Why keep us down here?
My answer to that question is this:
God doesn't need you. He doesn't need me. He didn't even need Moses or Paul or Peter. God can do it all by himself. He created us not because he needed us. He created us because he loves us and because he is the definition of love. He wanted relationship, just like we so desire relationship. God doesn't take our free will just because He is our Creator. He loves us and wants us to love him back, so he leaves the choice to us; Do you love me? Loving God means we give up our own Kingship position in our life, and set God in that position. It means we no longer are in control. It means we are not the most important thing to our life, but God is.
When God is the most important part of your life, your life should reflect that. Following his will and is word. The reason God doesn't take us the moment we decide to love him, is because we are here to be his warriors. We are here to fight the battle on God' side. He uses us to better his Kingdom and to fulfil his plan. If it were up to us, we would say, "Take me to heaven now." If it were up to me, I would want to be in heaven. Not down here with the cancer, and pain, and sadness. I would want to be with my Creator who loves me more than anyone on this planet ever could. But thats why it's not up to us. Life isn't about you or me, it is about the Lord. It is about his purpose, and his Kingdom, and his plan being fulfilled.
So next time you question, "why am I here," remember that you are here because you are useful to God.

I am useful to God. I am helping God fulfil his purpose.

Everyone want's to be a part of something bigger than themselves, right?
You are a part of God's plan--doesn't get any bigger than that.

Be confident in who you are.
Be confident in why you're here.
Be confident in the Lord.

Don't take this mission lightly, allow God to use you.

Chao, loves.


Friday, August 26, 2011

College is Hard.

I have been in Virginia for a week and a half now.
I've finished a whole week of classes.
I've made friends
I have prayed a whole lot.
I have talked less than usual.
I have laughed and cried.

Summary of college so far: It is hard.

In college it's up to me. Not my teachers to tell me.
In college it's up to me. Not my Mom.
In college it's up to me. Not my friends who have always been there.

In college it's up to me.
And I like that.

I love being treated like I am an adult. Because I am an adult. I am appreciating the fact that I am not back home, because I know I wouldn't grow into the  woman God has called me to be back there. I needed to be taken out of my comfort zone to grow. I needed the push of His promise of provision. I needed the threat of change for my life. I needed the challenege of persuing question of "Who am I?"

Here at Liberty, I am forced to lean unto God for my strength.

College Faves:
  1. We talk about God in class!
  2. The schedule I am forced to live within.
  3. The work is constant and challenging.
  4. My relationship with God is growing already.
  5. I get to introduce Matt as my fiance daily!
  6. Every student on campus is prayed for DAILY.
  7. I am challenged in my faith daily.
  8. Running on campus.
  9. Packages!
  10. Constant exercise walking to class.
  11. Prayer groups, every Tuesday night.
  12. Studying and having dinner with my fiance every day.
  13. I am taking bible classes. They're so awesome!
  14. The true appreciation of food when you finally get a good meal!
  15. My roomates!
College Stinks!
  1. I need a job NOW.
  2. Liberty is full of rules that I don't always agree with.
  3. It is bloody hot and humid.
    • With freak thunder and rain storms every couple days.
  4. The celings and walls in our dorm are barely there, so we hear every footstep and celing falls on my in my sleep.
  5. My Anatomy lab is going to be hard.
  6. I'm terrible at math, so that class hasn't been fun.
  7. Textbooks are out of this world expensive.
  8. I'm super broke all the time.
  9. My bed time has been pushed back 3 hours.
  10. I am homesick and really miss everyone.
I don't feel like anyone can truely understand the meaning of homesick until you experience it. It's hard to be in a state that you don't have any friends. No one that knows the real you. No one that has seen what you can and will do for someone you love. No one that has seen you at your worst and who has proven themselves through that. No one that knows who you are, who you have been, and who you want to be. No one who you can call at 2 am and ask to come over.

And I have Matt, I can't imagine how I'd handle it without him.

I have learned a few things about myself from my week and a half at Liberty, some I'm comfortable with, and some I am ashamed to admit:
  1. I am shy when I don't know anyone.
  2. I can be extremely insecure, when I am around people who don't know my heart.
  3. I can be judgemental.
  4. I hate accents.
    • I used to think they were cute, now they're just annoying.
  5. I am not addicted to coffee, but I am much happier when it is in the picture.
For now, this is where my total college experience lays.

I really am enjoying it. Yes, It's hard, but I know this is where I am supposed to be. I know I am learning a lot, and I am making friends. I am confident that with each update on here, I will express more and more love for Liberty, college, and the Lord. And that is what is most important.

Love, love, love.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Helloooooooo Virginia!

We are here! Here as in thousands of miles away from home!
Lynchburg Virginia to be exact.

It took two plane rides, a 4 hour layover, no sleep, no food, and a lot of luggage to get here, but here we are.

We left late Monday and arrived mid-day Tuesday in Lynchburg airport. Maybe the smallest airport I've ever seen.

Exciting Travel Notes:
  1. Both of my suitcases weighed 48. lbs and just barely missed the "too heavy" mark!
  2. I got to travel with my fiance!
  3. We didn't die!
  4. No crying babies.
  5. The coolest one.. During our 4 hour (FOUR HOUR) layover in Charlotte, we met some guys that have been travelling on the Dew Tour for BMX racing. They were sponsered by Monster. They gave Matt a water bottle, just cause. And one of them was the one leading the tour! It was kind of cool. Matt was starstruck as can be! The guys we met were Kyle Baldock and Garrett Reynolds. (And you better bet we googled them on my Iphone while we were waiting)
We got to move into our dorms Tuesday night, and I got to meet my roomates! They're very nice, and I definitely had a lot of resolved nerves when I finally met them. I am loving my dorm! Crazy, but I am.

And Liberty's campus is awesome. And gigantic. I swear I have never walked more in my life!

I loved waking up this morning and going for a run around campus! And boy is it hot here! It's wonderful!

Our dorm looks great and I am excited for this semester living with Christie and Amber!

I am learning lots and getting a ton done before classes on Monday!
I'll be around often to update!

Sending my love from Virginia!!


Saturday, August 13, 2011


Matt and I are ENGAGED!!

And I could not be any more excited.

How did it happen?

[Matt told me he wanted to take me to a nice dinner before we go to school. So we both got dressed up and went to Issaquah for dinner at the Flat Iron Grill. Dinner was so good! We shared a dish that had steak, jumbo prawns, chorizo, garlic mashed potatoes, and green beans. During dinner, I kept mentioning how I thought we should get one of the amazing homemade desserts from The Flat Iron Grill. But Matt just kept saying "No we have ice cream at home." So finally after he convinced me that ice cream would be the best, we left the restaraunt and walked back to the car. We had a nice walk back to the car by the train tracks in town and gardens and pretty little shops. When we got back to the car, we headed home.]

Now just imagine how I'm feeling.. The entire time at dinner and in Issaquah I have a little hope that he's gonna ask. Then nothing.

[On our way home Matt was flying! So we finally get back to the house and nothing. No extra cars there. No one is waiting. No extra lights on in the house. Nothing. So we get out of the car and are about to walk inside.. Then Matt goes "wait, I wanna show you something." So we walk around the side of the house and there is a path lit with tiki torches going down the hill onto the patio. On the patio, there is tulle hung from the sides so there was a wall to walk through. Inside, there were candles, and lights strung from the celing, and chandeliers, and rose petals on the ground, and an electric fire pit, and music playing, and picture frames hung from the celing with pictures of us, and a table set up with a picture of us, and a letter framed to me from Matt, and chilled sparkling cider, and champagne glasses, and flowers, and chandeliers hung over it.]

It was pretty much the most perfect and beautiful thing I've ever seen.

[So we walked over toward the table, and Matt got down on one knee, and held out the ring to me, and asked me to marry him. I said "Yes, yes, yes" and we put the ring on my finger! We hugged and we heard "I think she said no..." And Matt, my ever so subtle fiance, yelled "SHE SAID YES!" And then about 20 of our closest friends and family came out of the woods cheering and yelling! It was so great! I loved having all of our amazing friends and family there to celebrate with. It was such a joyful night. We all hugged and laughed and cheered with bubbly and ate ice cream!]
Matt did such an amazing job, and I am loving being his fiance, and cant wait to be his wife! He's such an incredible man, and so caring. I love calling him my fiance and love telling people about how blessed I am to have such a great guy. He is more than I could have ever imagined and more than I deserve. He is such a strong man of God! He loves people so much better than I do and has already taught me how to love like Jesus. I love the conversations we have. About everything. I feel like I can talk to him about anything. He is truely my best friend. And I really cant believe I get to spend the rest of my life with him!

This year is about to be crazy! New school, new home across the USA, and planning for a wedding. So many joyful things about to happen! I feel so incredibly blessed, and I am just so thankful.
To My Love

To spend the rest of your life with someone
Is knowing that they love you for you
They trust you with all their heart
You love the little things they do for you
That always make you smile
You are willing to listen when they need someone
And be by their side when life is hard
Being 3000 miles away doesn't change the way you
feel about them
But makes your feelings stronger
You know they are the one because they value your
relationship with Jesus most
And you look forwad to growing with them
While enjoying every moment of the present
To spend the rest of your life with someone
Is the biggest decision of your life,
And I've made that choice

I am forever yours

by Matt Huston
Expect many wedding updates.

xo/Austin Jean

Friday, August 12, 2011

Bye bye, Beyond.

We went. We hiked. We conquered!
Beyond was insane.

But Awesome.

The hike we went on was called Long Pearks.

It was amazing.
We hiked 6 days and camped 5 nights.

The trip was hard. Harder than I thought it would be. Not too physically hard... But for me it was extremely emotionally draining.

I HATE heights. Let me say it again... I HATE THEM. I get extremely nervous about being in compromising high places, and that was a lot of what this trip held for me.
  1. Going down a glacier.
  2. Traversing a bowl with a drop off.
  3. Rock climbing.
  4. Going over Knife Ridge, with a drop off on both sides.
It was a lot of anxiety for me.

But I must admit that although it was scary and hard and terrible at times, it was all worth it.

Some of my favorite parts:
  1. The quiet times we got to spend with the Lord.
  2. Digging into the Word on the top of a mountain.
  3. Listening to everyone's life stories.
  4. The encouragement coming from everyone.
  5. Getting closer the everyone on the trip.
  6. The laughs and inside jokes.
  7. The campsites--THEY WERE GORGEOUS.
  8. Sleeping under the most outrageous beautiful skies every night.
  9. The feeling of accomplishment when we got to the top.
  10. The feeling of jumping in the water at the end!
It was amazing. We all got so close by the end of the week and I truly believe our relationships will last a life time. We all pushed through the hardest times together, and got to know eachothers hearts so well.

On top of those mountains, everything is so peaceful and you really understand what matters.

Beyond was amazing, and so worth it.. But I think most of us agree that it was a one time thing.

Enjoy the amazing pictures!

xo/ Austin Jean