Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Year.

Happy Leap Day lovelies!
Leap day is kind of an extraordinary day.

We only get it once every four years.
{Thats how often Olympic Athletes get the chance to meet their dream}
I've only seen 5 leap days in my life. 

I don't remember any other leap day I've experienced.
I don't like that.

To me, leap day should be a day we get the opportunity to use in order to make a little more of a difference than we could get during a normal year.

Last year you didn't get this extra day.
Last year you skipped straight from February 28 to March 1.
To me, that makes this day kind of special.
Kind of a magical day.

I challenge you to use this magical day.
Use it to make a positive impact on someone.
Maybe even change someone's life--even if just a little bit.

I encourage you to do one of following:

1. Take a leap of faith.
{what have you been afraid to do lately? Is today your chance to go out on a limb?}
2. Out-leap an obstacle you have been having a hard time getting past.
{whether that is eating healthy, maybe opening your bible today, or forgiving someone}
3. Play a game of leapfrog. 
{or maybe you just need to spend time with a friend}
4. Upleap out of your gloomy or negative mood!
{I encourage you to consciously make today a good day by getting away from negative thoughts, moods, or maybe even negative people.}

Corny, I know. 
But you get my point.
You don't have this day every year, make it count.

Let leap day change your attitude about how we should treat every day.

Carpe Diem,

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hello, Pinteresting Tuesday.

So believe it or not, but it's sometimes difficult to come up with enough awesomeness to fill every Pinteresting Tuesday.

Or maybe I am just too critical of what really makes the cut.

Either way we could say I have been a bum the past few weeks when it comes to Pinteresting Tuesday updates.

Oh well. That's in the past.


Yes please.

For all those jeans or jean shorts that don't fit well anymore or the ones that are falling apart... this is the cutest way to fix that problem! Just sew some lace to them (I say that like I know how to sew...)

Tell me you don't want to know how to pack this much into a carry-on bag... This is from a flight attendant who tells you exactly that. This could save me so much money.

This makes me want to live on a lake just so we could do this in the summer.
And it also kind of reminds me of Parent Trap. (anyone?)

For you friends who are on Pinterest have you seen the posts saying: "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels?"
This is my retort to that.

I've missed you guys.
What has been going on in your lives?
I'll try to catch y'all up this week on my life here in the exciting state of Virginia.

Until then avoir,

Monday, February 20, 2012

We Love Food.

Matt and I like food... Like a lot.
So yesterday we were talking about what we will eat when we get married.

 I really enjoy cooking and baking and of course, eating.

So we were checking out (where else?) Pinterest and came up with some meals we think will be quite popular in our home next year!

Now Matt and I both have our normal breakfasts... Egg-white sandwich for me and cereal for Matt. 
But what fun is it when I can't make yummy breakfast once in awhile?

We both really love stir fry.
I love this healthy version.

Need I say More?

I would probably go for lettuce instead of a tortilla.
But for Matty, the tortilla looks great.
We will absolutely be Taco Tuesday people.

I am a fan of dessert.
But I'm also a fan of not a ton of calories.
These are so reasonable and look amazing.

Matt doesn't love soup.
Neither do I actually...
I also basically hate onions.
But when it comes to French Onion Soup I LOVE IT.

This is just one recipe of many I would like to try.

We love love love Peanut Butter.


One of my favorite breakfasts!

I'm not a huge fan of peppers... But Matt is.
And I like rice and shrimp, so I could definitely like this.


Oh yeah, we are definitely registering for a sushi kit.
Expect tons of sushi coming from us!

I have made this recipe many times and don't plan on stopping now!

This has "Future Hustons" all over it!

We love to eat.
But we love to not gain weight ;]
So we will be trying to keep things on the healthier side.

Question: What are some of your weekly meals?

Enjoy your food,

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Love Letter.

Since we are at the closing end of "love week" as I'd like to call it, I want to share this awesome "letter" a friend of mine shared with me like 4 years ago that is really special to me.

Now remember, four years ago I didn't know Matt and definitely didn't know who I would be marrying.
I was in a pretty vulnerable place, and like any high school girl I wanted more commitment than I could handle.

Amy showed me this "letter" from God and it kind of actually changed my life.

Clearly it is not a real letter from God, but I believe that this really is what He wants us all to know.

I hope this can bring hope and clarity to someone's life today.


Everyone longs to give themselves completely to someone. -To have a deep soul relationship with another, to be loved thoroughly and exclusively. But God says to a person;

"No, -not until you're satisfied and fulfilled and content with living, loved by Me alone and giving yourself totally and unreservedly to Me, to have an intensely personal and unique relationship with Me alone. I love you, my child, and until you discover that only in Me is your satisfaction to be found, you will not be capable of the perfect human relationship that I had planned for you. You will never be united with another until you are united with Me, exclusively of anyone or anything else, -exclusive of any other desires or longings. I want you to stop planning, stop wishing, stop questioning, and allow Me to bring it to you. You just keep watching Me, expecting the greatest things. Keep learning and listening to the things I tell you. You must wait.
        Don't be anxious and don't worry. Don't look around at the things you think you want. Just keep looking off and away up to Me, or you'll miss what I have to show you.
        And then, when you're ready, I'll surprise you with a love far more wonderful than any you would ever dream. You see, until you are ready, and until the one I have for you is ready (I am working this minute to have both of you ready at the same time) and until you are both satisfied exclusively with Me and the life I have prepared for you, you won't be able to experience the love that exemplifies your relationship with Me. -And this is perfect love.
        And, dear one, I want you to have this most wonderful love. I want you to see in the flesh a picture of your relationship with Me, and to enjoy materially and concretely the everlasting union of beauty and perfection and love that I offer you with Myself. Know I love you. I am God Almighty. Believe and be satisfied!"


Have hope and trust in He who has the most wonderful plan for your life.
God is love and all true love comes through and from Him alone.
Let me know what you think of the letter!

Have a fantastic Saturday!


Friday, February 17, 2012

Incredibly Made.

Do you ever think about your body?
I don't mean what it looks like.
Or how big or small it is.
I'm talking about the anatomy of your body.

Most people don't think a lot about the anatomy of the body.
They just use the miracle of a body that they have and never think twice about it.
I would be like that too if it weren't for being forced to take A&P.

Don't get me wrong, I don't always enjoy spending my entire week studying.
I don't like staying up until 2 am going over the same information over and over.
But the pay off of this class is getting the privilege to learn about this miracle that God made.

You guys, we are so incredibly made!
Every single intricate part of our body works together to keep us alive!
We have to be the right temperature, the right muscle movement, the right neural tract, the perfect everything in order to simply live.

The ironic thing is as simple as it seems to live--it is not a simple matter.

We are miracles.

We are made in God's image.
He made us to be incredible.

So let's live our lives like the incredible people we are made to be.

In awe, 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I Love, Love.

Two posts in ONE day?
I know, I know, I'm an overachiever.
I figured after a week off it wouldn't kill me to update extra this week.

Happy Valentines Day!
I don't know what your personal opinions of Valentines day are, but I'm going to share mine.

I love Valentines Day.
Not because I am engaged. 
{Though that doesn't hurt}
I have just always loved it.

In elementary school V-Day was my favorite holiday, by far.
Even over Christmas.
Maybe I'm just holding on to the "good 'ol times" a little too strong, because let's be honest, Valentines Day as an adult isn't nearly as great as it was when we were 8.

I can see where the V-Day haters get their hate from.

1. It would be unfortunate seeing everyone getting flowers and chocolates and what not while getting nothing. I get that.
2. And yes, Valentines Day is very much a holiday focused toward overcharging for low quality flowers and chocolates.
3. And I understand, you should tell you honey that you love them every day.

This is what I have to say to those arguments.

1. The best part of Valentines Day are the corny Valentines cards and candy... You can have that without a significant other.
2. Don't buy things then, make gifts or memories instead!
3. I don't see anything wrong with having a day to look forward to to be corny and loving. Yes, you should tell people you love them every day. But every other day you don't get candy or a card for it. What's so wrong with that?

Basically, my take on Valentine's Day is that yeah, it's kind of a lame and corny holiday. But I like it! It's very light-hearted and fun to tell people you love them! I love having things to look forward to, why should we make Valentines Day a day we dread?

If you don't like it, then don't celebrate. 
However, I personally will be loving every second of the Hello, Kitty and Transformers V-Day cards, and gross coconut filled chocolate candies and sugar gummy hearts.

You should be showing your love everyday though, so whether or not you celebrate Valentine's Day, how did you show someone you loved them today?

What is your personal Valentine's Day belief? Yay or Nay?

I love you!


Monday, February 13, 2012

Pinteresting Tuesday--Funny Edition.

Sometimes I think we need to have more humor than we have in our lives.
That's why today I'm only sharing the Pinterests that made me laugh this week.








Hope you got a laugh out of these like I did.
Maybe this can help you get through the week a little lighter!


Spring is Coming.

So.... it's been forever since I posted. I took a week off.
With spring on it's way, I am dreaming about all the new styles I am dying to have!
By dying I mean I am completely fine without them, but I love them and want them anyway.
Here they are.


I've been loving these watches for awhile now, why not get one for spring? 


Love the low back.


This hot pink is one of my favorite colors right now. Also I love maxi dresses! I'd love this dress.


I'd like to think my fiancé would look pretty good in this :]


Is it weird that I'm really into leather pants right now? Should someone talk me out of this? Or should I go with it? Opinions?


Hudson jeans are my favorite. Enough said.

I'm very into lipstick these days. Especially the nude colors.


I'm still not over the aqua purses... sigh.

What are you guys wanting for spring?
What are your favorite styles?
