Friday, April 20, 2012

White Denim.

I recently bought a pair of white jeans.
Which I have been (as you all know) wanting for about forever now.
They're Rock and Republics.
(Which apparently means nothing to most of the state of Virginia)
And also, I got them for 50% off.
(There I go braggin' on my deals again!)

(I look almost exactly like this in them.)
(noooooope, that was a lie)
(But they're still super cute, I swear)

It has actually been a rather informative day wearing my white denim.
You learn things wearing white jeans that you maybe never knew before.
Here are a few of the things I've learned.

I have a really bad habit of wiping my dirty hands on my jeans like I'm a 7-year old boy.
(Which normally I get away with, but white jeans, not so much)
Coffee is far too big of a priority in my life.
And because I MUST drink it, it gives me serious anxiety while wearing white jeans.
(You're all saying "you're JUST realizing this?")
I enjoy bright and staining foods all too often!
The world is a dirty place.
One which I instantly become aware of the moment the jeans are zipped.
Life is stressful wearing white, no wonder "nobody wears white after Labor Day."
I believe that I will learn to use the beautiful thing called bleach this weekend.

Ultimately my decision about my new jeans is that I am in love with them
They are totally worth wearing even with all of the above factoring into the cleanliness of them.
Everyone should own a pair of white denim jeans.
(But not everyone should wear them on the same day... that would just be far too stressful)

Happy Friday!


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Twenty-one Days.

So I'm a planner maniac.
I find peace in planning out what is to come with my day, week, month, year, you name it.
This morning I have been filling in what needs to be done for the next several months.
What I am realizing is how awesome it is that I come home in exactly 21 days.
Wanna see what my life looks like until I come home? 
(Probably not. But this is my blog and I do what I want) ;]

April 20:
Mark Driscoll comes to Convocation.
(You bet it's in my planner. And you better believe we will be going NUTS when he says "Seattle!")

April 22: 
Beach Volleyball game!
(Against death from above... that's intimidating)

April 25:
Lab practical for Anatomy Lab.

April 26:
Research Paper Due.
(The one I spent literally 9 hours working on all yesterday)

April 29:
Volleyball finals!
(West Coast-Best Coast!)

May 1: 
Last day of official classes!

May 3-7:
Finals :\

May 10: 
On a flight out of Lynchburg to SeaTac at 5:30 am.
(The whole gang is flying together--Matt, Ky, Ry, myself and Sarah!)
(Sarah is all of our friend who is in both weddings!)

That's it my friends! 
How are your classes/work going?

Since I only have 21 days until I get back to good ol' Enumclaw, I am making some 21 day goals for myself! (Because like I have said in the past, 21 days makes a habit).

Here they are:


Workout every single day!
(So far this week I have awaken early so I can get in a quick work out before class... Yes, I think I deserve a high five for that one. It's actually given me tons more energy than I have when I don't do that, so I've been popping out of bed at the first sound of my alarm!)

(I have $54 in my checking account... My goal is to not dip into my savings in order to sustain my life for the next 3 weeks. Impossible you say? We'll see, I am a college kid you know? We're extra talented at finding creative ways to save money. And there is a plasma bank in town... I could always donate some plasma to make $40. Yeah, that might be going too far.)

(Note: This is not a goal by choice, but more of no other option. I only have 3 more free drink cards for the campus Starbucks and then I'm done with coffee until I get home or someone else wants to buy me coffee... Bad time to run out of coffee money right before finals!)

(ROCK my finals!)

How I love plans and how I love feeling ready for what is to come!!
Lets kill it the next 21 days! 


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Pinterest Freak.

In honor of Pinteresting Tuesday, this is a link shared by my friend.
It is hilarious. And I would like to state, completely against what I believe.
In fact, I am guilty of 5/6 of these Pinterest accusations. 

I will never deny my love of Mason Jars.
I truly enjoy Quinoa. 
Even though I totally agree it looks nasty.
I think crock pots are awesome and I want one so I can make everything possible in it.
I tried to make 3 different Egg Pinterest Projects over Easter.
(None of which turned out)
For Valentines Day I fully tried to cut Matts ham breakfast sandwich into a heart.
Not even joking a little bit.

This is 100% making fun of everything that describes me.
Yet, I can fully appreciate this.
And I realize I'm that freaky artsy Pinterest girl.

Love me or hate me.

To read the blog click HERE!!

(You really want to read it... it's very entertaining!)

Happy Tuesday lovelies.


Monday, April 16, 2012

Motivated Yet?

What is motivating you this week?
As of right now, I am feeling sickeningly encouraging.
If you feel like you need some words of affirmation, call me. I don't even think I could say anything bad right now.
Why? I'm not sure? Maybe the sun (80+ today!)? Maybe my two workouts for the day? Maybe the new Inspiration Board I made? Maybe cause school is so close to being done? Whatever! Let's not question it!

(My inspiration board for this summer!)

This I found on Pinterest (where else?) and I think it's the perfect motivation to get through the week.
Motivation to be the best person you can be!

Think about it.
Reevaluate where you are right now and be the person God, and your 5 year-old self want you to be!

Have you complimented someone today? Cause you should :]

Sunday, April 15, 2012


So we officially have 18 days until finals here at Liberty.
What does that mean? That means campus is BUZZING with a serious "Get me out of here!" attitude. I am no exception to that.

Some awesome parts about this semester include the fact that it went by really fast (until now of course, which seems to be dragging on.)

We've had the house and a car so we've gotten the privilege of not being on campus 24/7 like last semester. 
(TRUST ME this is a very very awesome part.)

Ry and Ky are here which is really great :]

Pretty much everything this semester has been about 100% better than last!
(And I definitely didn't hate last semester, so that means this one has been AWESOME)

However, I have 3 weddings including my own coming this summer, it's nice and sunny every day, and I could really go for some cash income as of right now. All of these factor into me dying to get out of school and on with the summer!

So here are some things I'd rather be doing than school work!

Camping... Please.
Eating more West Coast sushi. 
Not to mention coffee. 
(how I love coffee)
The Warrior Dash.
This looks so awesome.
The Color Run.
(Sadly it's full back in Seattle :[ )
Now doesn't this just look dreadful?
I'm dying to try paddle boarding!
Sadly, we have no real oceans in Seattle ;]
Hang out with this guy.
Sit on this cliff.
(haha just kidding, you should know by now that I'd rather die than do ^^ that!)

Well guys, this was the lamest way I've avoided math homework via blog so far.
Sorry you have to waste your time on this :]

So Close to the End,

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

How Pinteresting.

Pinteresting Tuesday!
I can't believe it's already Tuesday!
And yet it seems like it should already be Friday all at the same time.

Have I told you that I'm ready for school to be OVER?
Well I surely am. How about you?
What are you looking forward to?

To brighten the mood of the dreaded Tuesday, how about some awesome Pinterests?


So I found this "Sweating for the dress" tank on Etsy... And I am dying to have it! Then I found this "make your own racer-back tank" and now it's official that I must make it.
{I sincerely think I have too much confidence in my skills sometimes}
If someone else would like to make this for me, I will accept. ;]


So the idea on Pinterest is this:
"Your first year of marriage take a picture for every season, then frame all four photos in a square frame"
I think this is phenomenal. And I want it.


Reasons I am posting this:
a) I love Zooey Deschanel (that was a given).
b) I think this is hilarious yet so so true.
c) This pretty much defines my fiancé's expectations of life.
d) I think it is so funny to picture this happening!


Sometimes when I am up late talking with my roommates, family, playing games, doing ridiculous things--studying <-- scratch the studying, this has nothing to do with studying--I need to remember this, because how true? It makes my heart smile a little bit. :]


Advertising at its finest.
This is hysterical, and if you disagree, you have no funny bone ;]


This is also hilarious, and who doesn't need more funny in their life? 

I will fill you all in on my weekend tomorrow, I hope!
I hope this brings a smile to your Tuesday!

So much love,

Monday, April 9, 2012


This was a crazy awesome/long/tiring weekend.
And I just don't have the effort to explain all that happened right now.

Besides, it's Motivation Monday!
Here are some videos that I think might motivate you for the rest of the week!

This is one my best friend showed me.
It always makes me want to give it all I've got!
Which I think is something we should always do!
Hope you like it!

This has got to be one of my favorite inspirational videos of all time.
Also, if you haven't seen it, warning: tears may flow.

Hope you all get some motivation to get through this week!
I will be needing it as well!


Thursday, April 5, 2012


As a rule of thumb we all want to make ourselves look flawless to other people.
Thats why when you are practicing for interviews people tell you to make something positive about yourself into a kind of negative.
Example: "I am just too caring, it sometimes gets in the way with my work."
We all know that is probably not true.
Yes, even the interviewer.

Blogs/Facebook/Twitter/any other social media website is pretty much 100% designed for making yourself looking good to others.
I hope you all realize I'm not as awesome as I clearly seem (that was a joke, I'm pretty awesome).
(But seriously, that's a joke too)

I decided that since I'm all about being "real" I am going to share with you all some of my flaws.
Hope you enjoy these, cause I'm breaking all blogging etiquette right now.

I am the most selfish car sleeper ever.
Let me explain this, when I have to sleep in a car, I don't care who is around me, who is in the car, who wants the pillow or who wants more seat, I will take my fair share (and/or much more than my fair share) of what I need in order to be comfortable in the car.
I don't know why. I think cars make me delirious. 
If I have to sleep in the same bed as someone else, I am rather thoughtful and caring for their comfort. 
I actually feel bad when I accidentally steal all of the blankets in the middle of the night, or get too close to their bubble.
But put me in a car and it's survival of the fittest.

I have a pretty bad staring/face making problem.
If I see someone doing something socially abnormal/unacceptable, I will stare at said person in order to get the entire experience.
Sometimes they catch me staring at them...
It usually doesn't stop me.
I also tend to make faces when I think someone is being a bit of an idiot.
I should really work on it.

I am way way way too competitive.
I don't like to lose.
Not in anything.
Challenge me to Candyland and I'd still be mad if I lost.
I've tried to work on this problem many times, but it's never helped.
I really need to find a way to change that.

I am really bad at cracking eggs.
When I was like 5 years old, I was pretty good for a 5-year-old at cracking eggs.
Unfortunately I never got any better with age.

I ask a lot of questions.
About pretty much anything.
You could say I use people's knowledge of things I don't know about to learn.
It would be not so bad, but I am sure it gets annoying and I'm sure there are many people who think to themselves "Doesn't she know about Google?"
And this also makes it hard for me to decide what questions are appropriate and inappropriate to ask people. Like "how did you lose your left hand?" And other things like that.

I am not even a little bit of a germ-o-phobe.
I am that person who will cut off the mold and eat the rest.
If a sandwich hasn't been in the fridge when it should have been, I will still eat it.
If it drops on the floor, eh dirt won't hurt, right?
I will take a sip of pretty much anyone's drink.
This is weird and kind of grosses some people out sometimes.
It will probably end up bad for me eventually, but I give 

I'm pretty even tempered at all times, which makes it hard for me to act over enthused about basically anything. 
So seeing people I don't care to see, I am not a great pretender.
When I meet people they often think I'm rude or have a bad attitude because I am poor at acting overly nice because I don't like to act fake! So usually it takes some time for people to understand me and that I really am being nice. Something problematic in my life.
And also, I hate opening gifts in front of people because I can't pretend that I like something more than I do. And if I do try to pretend it isn't fooling anyone.

Trust me loves, there are many more flaws than just those seven, but I can't share everything that sucks about me in one blog post--I want you all to still check in here! 

Question: What are some funny/weird flaws about you?

Happy Thursday Guys!


Monday, April 2, 2012

Motivational Monday!

So I am a big fan of schedules. 
If only you could look at my planner, you would understand.
I know some of you are the same way!

For me, if I have it written down as a plan, it's easier to follow through.
If it's in the schedule, it will happen.
If it isn't, then you never know what will happen!

I like to be scheduled.

So I have decided that I need more scheduled blog days!

All I really have is Pinteresting Tuesday... which I know you all just wait for every week ;]

So Monday from now on is going to be Motivation Monday!

I think with the start of the week we all have a rough time getting going.
So I plan on making Mondays a day you can come check in here and hopefully leave with a brighter outlook on the day, the week, and hopefully life! 

I will post motivational pictures, quotes, verses, stories, whatever motivates me, I would like to share with you! Hopefully you're all down with the plan!

Today it is a quote.

To me this can mean so many things!
It could mean we literally can focus on the aesthetics of life and making our surroundings beautiful.
It could mean we act with compassion, kindness, and love, therefore making our surroundings beautiful.
Or it could even mean that we choose to see the beautiful in everything, making our surroundings beautiful.

However you choose to take this, I encourage you to make everything around you beautiful.
Use some time this week to get in touch with your artistic side.
Maybe you could focus on thinking before you speak (I know it sounds crazy!) and only speaking words of encouragement and kindness. (I know this will be on my to-do list)
Or possibly you want to keep a journal of everything beautiful you see this week. Whether that is a person, an interaction your experience or observe, your surroundings, where you want to travel... The list could literally go on forever! 

I hope you get some motivation for your week with this!
Let me know what you think.

With Encouragement,