As a rule of thumb we all want to make ourselves look flawless to other people.
Thats why when you are practicing for interviews people tell you to make something positive about yourself into a kind of negative.
Example: "I am just too caring, it sometimes gets in the way with my work."
We all know that is probably not true.
Yes, even the interviewer.
Blogs/Facebook/Twitter/any other social media website is pretty much 100% designed for making yourself looking good to others.
I hope you all realize I'm not as awesome as I clearly seem (that was a joke, I'm pretty awesome).
(But seriously, that's a joke too)
I decided that since I'm all about being "real" I am going to share with you all some of my flaws.
Hope you enjoy these, cause I'm breaking all blogging etiquette right now.
I am the most selfish car sleeper ever.
Let me explain this, when I have to sleep in a car, I don't care who is around me, who is in the car, who wants the pillow or who wants more seat, I will take my fair share (and/or much more than my fair share) of what I need in order to be comfortable in the car.
I don't know why. I think cars make me delirious.
If I have to sleep in the same bed as someone else, I am rather thoughtful and caring for their comfort.
I actually feel bad when I accidentally steal all of the blankets in the middle of the night, or get too close to their bubble.
But put me in a car and it's survival of the fittest.
I have a pretty bad staring/face making problem.
If I see someone doing something socially abnormal/unacceptable, I will stare at said person in order to get the entire experience.
Sometimes they catch me staring at them...
It usually doesn't stop me.
I also tend to make faces when I think someone is being a bit of an idiot.
I should really work on it.
I am way way way too competitive.
I don't like to lose.
Not in anything.
Challenge me to Candyland and I'd still be mad if I lost.
I've tried to work on this problem many times, but it's never helped.
I really need to find a way to change that.
I am really bad at cracking eggs.
When I was like 5 years old, I was pretty good for a 5-year-old at cracking eggs.
Unfortunately I never got any better with age.
I ask a lot of questions.
About pretty much anything.
You could say I use people's knowledge of things I don't know about to learn.
It would be not so bad, but I am sure it gets annoying and I'm sure there are many people who think to themselves "Doesn't she know about Google?"
And this also makes it hard for me to decide what questions are appropriate and inappropriate to ask people. Like "how did you lose your left hand?" And other things like that.
I am not even a little bit of a germ-o-phobe.
I am that person who will cut off the mold and eat the rest.
If a sandwich hasn't been in the fridge when it should have been, I will still eat it.
If it drops on the floor, eh dirt won't hurt, right?
I will take a sip of pretty much anyone's drink.
This is weird and kind of grosses some people out sometimes.
It will probably end up bad for me eventually, but I give
I'm pretty even tempered at all times, which makes it hard for me to act over enthused about basically anything.
So seeing people I don't care to see, I am not a great pretender.
When I meet people they often think I'm rude or have a bad attitude because I am poor at acting overly nice because I don't like to act fake! So usually it takes some time for people to understand me and that I really am being nice. Something problematic in my life.
And also, I hate opening gifts in front of people because I can't pretend that I like something more than I do. And if I do try to pretend it isn't fooling anyone.
Trust me loves, there are many more flaws than just those seven, but I can't share everything that sucks about me in one blog post--I want you all to still check in here!
Question: What are some funny/weird flaws about you?
Happy Thursday Guys!