I am 98% sure every teacher on campus decided that they were all going to plan their first tests to be in the same week so that I and every other student is stressed out of their minds!
Kill me now.
Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays my classes after 11 are easy and relaxed. So today I took it upon myself to take mental health day. Basically I went back to my dorm and slept for 4 hours.
Besides that, we have a football game this Saturday!! I am pumped to go and tailgate before! My dorm is having a bake-off and I plan on making these little guys... (Thanks to Pinterest for finding me that)
And I plan on destroying the competition.
Who doesn't like cupcakes? And who doesn't like oreos? No way to go wrong.
Matt and I got off campus this weekend and went to his family friend's house. It was just nice to get out of our dorms for a night and get away. After too long, college starts to seem kinda like a summer camp. I just don't feel like anyone is supposed to be in such a small place for so long! Even an awesome place like Liberty.
Which is why we are prayin' hard about our car situation. Or lack there of. To bring Tyrone (my car), get a new one, or sell Tyrone so we can buy a nicer car for here? We will see.
On the brighter side, my loved ones have been keeping their promises and keeping up on sending me snail mail! I so love receiving letters and care packages! Keep them comin' people! And I will gladly send responses.
This week started Matt and my official workout routine! Gettin' nice and in shape for a wedding next summer! I'll let you know how long this lasts and just how effective it is.
Tonight our campus pastor Clayton King started the semester series on relationships! Tonight was a great start and I am excited and ready to get into the tough details of marraige! Let's do it!
I'm still missing home, but every day is a little better!
Keep me in your prayers, school is kickin' my butt right now! I will be sure to update more frequently once I get a better routine going!
Question of the Day: What are your recipes that you pull out for every special event to wow people?
Who's the babe in the mask? ;) hahaha. Love you!