Hey Friends.
How is this week going for you?
It's been awesome for me!
I feel so refreshed this week!
Last week was a rough one here in Lynchburg.
School was stressful and I was feeling pretty defeated!
I talked to a very wise friend of mine though and came out of the chat feeling refreshed.
I'm going to be honest, I have a problem with wanting to always control my situation. I am just like that. I'm so used to being in control. And I like to plan. ( I mean you should see my planner, I really like to plan).
This has been a problem since I can remember. I am a control freak. Type A, get it done and done how I say it should be done.
When I gave my life to Christ I soon learned that it's not my job to be in control. I learned that in order to get the blessings that He so badly wanted to give me, I needed to give up the reigns to him.
When I first learned that, it didn't make sense to me. I don't have to control my life? Crazy!
But soon after accepting that fact and submitting my control to the Lord, it was like a huge weight was lifter from my shoulders!
That was 5 years ago.
Clearly I am not perfect yet. (Not that I think I ever will be).
This weekend though it had to happen again. For the past several months I have been holding so tightly to my plans, dreams, and future. I didn't even realize that it was controlling me!
What I am learning in my life right now is that I have to submit to God if I truly believe that He is my Creator, King, and Father.
Not just the things I want to submit. Not just the stress, the pain, the character flaws.
No, I have to submit everything!
That means I have to submit every relationship in my life to him. It means I have to submit my bank account, whether it is empty or full. I have to submit my dream of being an Occupational Therapist.
When I finally did that, I feel like I have lost 50 lbs.
I am not carrying around the weight of my life! Because you know what, it's not my job to carry that. And I know that because I am willing to give the most precious parts of my life to Him, he will bless me with an even brighter future than I have ever had planned!
So this week for me is awesome.
I hope it is for you.
Question: What are you learning this week?
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