Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Real You: Traveler

I have found that the best way to find out who someone really is... is to travel with them

You have to agree!
How many people have you said "Oh I could never go on vacation with them!" about?

I think it is extremely important to find someone you know you could travel well with.

Here are the ways you see people for who they really are while traveling and how to find the perfect traveling partner.


I don't know about you guys, but when I am hungry I am not a pleasant person.
If I need food... You better get it to me ASAP unless you wanna see my bad side!
Matt is the same way. We have both definitely seen each other's bad sides when in need of calories!
How to avoid: always pack a snack! And know when to leave them/me alone!


You can see what kind of a packer they are.
I am a heavy packer... No, I just lied. 
I am an EXTREME packer.
I have this irrational fear that I will forget to pack something that I might need... So to avoid that I bring 2-3 bags for any given trip.
One time, I went to Cali for a week and brought 2 suit cases and both were over the weight limit, so we had to pay the fee. It is terrible and causes extreme anxiety in my life.
Advice: marry someone who will compensate with room (and more weight) in their bag... I am already on my way to marrying that guy. When I asked Matt if he had room in his bag for some of my stuff he said "Of course, always." Ladies, find a guy like this!


You see them sleep deprived, uncomfortable, and possibly irritated.
No one is pleasant in this condition.
The trick is finding someone who will not flip their lid and embarrass you.
Or get mad at you for being nearby at their moment of misery.
Matt's the best because he just sleeps or laughs because you have to be honest, sometimes the conditions are so horrible that it's comical.


You get to see if their vacation time is spent how you would spend it.
Matt and I (and our families) are "eaters" on vacation.
We like to eat our way around on our trip.
Some people are big time scheduled planners.
Not me.
Usually I like my schedule, but on vacation it's time to take a rest and go with the flow.
Warning: Do not vacation with one of the opposite (planner/not planner) because both of your trips will be miserable trying to enjoy yourself in your different ways! Or a great compromise is if you are fine doing things separate!


You literally see the good the bad and the ugly in your travel companion.
If you look good coming off of a 7 hour flight, we can't be friends.
I don't know a whole lot of people who have that luxury of being beautiful after that.
I know for sure that I am not one of those people.
It is important to know if you're going to have a hard time looking at this person if stuck on a long flight/car ride.
Even more important; to know whether or not you can stand their breath after such a trip.

These are some things I have found about traveling.
If you can successfully find a traveling companion who passes each criteria, congrats!
 That's a hard thing to do!

Now we are soon to be off on our journey across the country!
Looking forward to the heavy luggage, smelly breath, greasy hair, snack breaks, and achy backs!

Lynchburg here we come!

Bon Voyage, 

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