I am so impressed with how brave this guy is to make a video like this. A GUY.
How many teenage guys do you know who would be willing to say this out loud for everyone to hear?
I love how he is so honest with not only how he feels, and how the bible tells us to feel, but with how our world is. He knows the way our world is. We all do. I love the balance of his belief and real world application.
He knows the truth of how kids our age think about sex. How the radio, tv, and friends all shape our thinking about sex. He speaks the truth about abortion. "It's funny how I was pro life until it happened to me." He is honest about his past. He isn't some saint speaking about sex. He's just as bad as any of us.
This is a 21 year old guy. Seriously, not many 21 year old men believe what he's saying, nonetheless what he believes.
This is a man who knows what is TRUTH. He knows what the bible tells us to do. And he understands Jesus' heart for our purity. He isn't waiting up there to condem us; to yell at us for sinning. He isn't waiting to tally our every mistake.
Jesus wants to protect our hearts. The bible tells us that sexual sin is the worst. Because sexual sin doesn't just hurt other people, it hurts ourselves. Our own flesh. And it stays with us.
Like he said, why else do you think a rape victim's wounds don't go away with the bruises?
The Lord wants us to wait until we are married. To save ourselves for our husbands or wives. Not because he wants life to suck. Or because he wants to make up stupid laws for us. God is taking care of us. He wants our hearts to be wholly His before we give it to anyone else. And he doesn't want us to give our hearts away to every Joe Shmo along the way to finding our husbands or wives. He wants us to be pure.
I believe that Jesus is on our side. Always. So I choose to follow his decrees.
I will wait.
And I love that this guy understands that you can change your heart and mind to follow the Lord at any time. No matter what you do. Its never too late.
"So think twice before you eat what society feeds us, come follow the King, his name is Jesus."
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