Thursday, December 8, 2011

Healthy > Skinny.

I don't know about you guys, but I find it really hard to live with the expectations placed upon us from media and magazines in our generation.

The problem with that is that many of the skinny "role models" we are expected to look up to are not healthy! Some are of course, but even when they are, their healthy lifestyles are not nearly as talked about as how they look.

I know for me it is easy to get wrapped up in wanting to be skinny and looking over how important it is to be healthy.

I just finished up a health class here at school and learned so much about how important our health is. 

No just being at the appropriate weight, but skin health, gum health, heart health, etc.

For me I have decided that I am not going to give into what the media is telling us is important.

Yes, being a healthy weight and body fat % is very important for numerous health reasons, but not if you're doing it by not eating or pumping your body with cancer causing chemicals.

What I am doing to take care of myself...

I am brushing my teeth at least twice a day and flossing in the morning and at night.
{this sounds so lame. And I feel like I am your dentist trying to convince you to floss. But the truth is that brushing your teeth only gets 60% of the gunk you need to get. Flossing is such an easy way to take care of your teeth and it always leads me to feeling accomplished for even that little part of taking care of myself.}

I am stretching for about 20 minutes every day.
{Even if I don't make it to the gym, stretching is an easy way to keep your muscles active. I think stretching is a part of our exercise that is often looked over. How many of us actually include stretching in our workout? I haven't in the past unless I felt like I "needed it." The truth is we always need it!}

I am eating a good healthy breakfast every morning!
{This one is so important! Especially being in college, it is so easy to just wake up and roll out of bed and go to class without fueling up for the day. Or worse, eating a donut or some sugary morning treat. What I have been eating is egg whites with a slice of low fat cheese on a half of a "Thin Buns" (yes I do get that brand specifically because it is funny that it is called thin buns... ) with a piece of fruit! It is the best way to wake up!}

I am drinking a ton of water.
{I think this is one of the main reason people don't lose the weight they are trying to lose! Keeping hydrated is probably the most important part of your diet. I drink half of my body weight in ounces every day. Example: If you weight 150 lbs, drink 75 ounces of water a day. Even if you are eating right and exercising everyday, without drinking water, you could still gain weight!}

I am staying away from sweets and carbs as much as possible.
{Don't get me wrong, I am not killing myself not eating something if I am really craving it. But I am finding the less sweets I eat, the less I crave candy or chocolate. Just push through the initial cravings and it really does get easier. And it makes such a big difference! I have also read that the combination of sugar and carbohydrates (like bread and starchy potatoes) is what stalls weight loss and often leads to weight gain. 

I am wearing sun protection.
{Even when it's not sunny. I have always been against tanning and all that... but especially after taking this health class has made me realize how scary skin damage is! Did you know: if you have tanned just up to 10 times within a year before you are 35 you have a 75% better chance of getting melanoma than someone who hasn't. I know that woke me up! There is so much more frightening information about skin damage that I could share. Basically what I am saying, is take care of your skin. It's not worth the glow, seriously.}

I am moisturizing every day.
{Being so young, it's hard to believe that our skin might not be as young one day. But I know so many older people (even 5 years older!) that have told me that they wish they would have started moisturizing every day so their skin would still look and feel young. Do it. You're future self will appreciate it!}

 I am getting some kind of exercise in every day.
{This is the hardest for everyone I think. It's hard to find time. It's hard to get to the gym. After you have to shower. There are a million excuses and I have used all of them. The truth is that exercise not only releases endorphins and make you feel good about yourself and feel happy, but it is vital to your health. Did you know you are supposed to get 60 minutes of moderate to difficult exercise every single day? The way I am keeping this up is by not getting down on myself if I have an off day. I make sure I do 100 squats or lunges every single day! And I try to do more than that, but if I don't make it to the gym, I am learning to be proud of what I have accomplished and set a higher goal for the next day.}

{One of my maid of honors and I are planning on training for a half marathon this summer, so I am starting to look into running more. What is the best way to train. How others stick with it. How people make the time. What trains you best. And looking up different plans online to see what I think would be the best one for me.}

{I have also found that it is really important to keep your workout routine fun! I found an app for my iPhone! It's called Nike Training Center. It has exercise routines for 30-45 minutes that are made with an interval mindset. I am finding that I enjoy intervals so much more than just your normal reps and sets. I like being pushed with a time limit and I like sweating while I'm doing weights! And let me tell you, I am sore after the workouts!}

{I am also trying to make sure I take advantage of burning fat while doing my cardio by doing the HIIT training. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. Basically you do intervals of going low, medium, and hard during your cardio sessions. For example: If you are on the treadmill your interval would look like this: 2 minute walk, 5 minute jog, 1 minute sprint, 2 minute walk, 5 minute jog. Then repeat that interval 4 times for an hour cardio work out! It's tough, but also more fun than an hour of just jogging on the treadmill. And it burns many more calories and fat! Not to mention I always feel like I accomplished so much every time I step off the treadmill!}

I recently found this blog that is awesome!
It's called Tone It Up.
And the girls that run the site are so encouraging and full of information! Check them out!

I just want to encourage you all to take care of yourself! Especially right now as Christmas is coming up and everyone is out of their daily routine. It's okay to have fun! It's important to spend quality time with family and friends. I just encourage you to think about your health as these things are taking place! Maybe pick the apple over the donut once in awhile, I can guarantee you will feel better! Don't kill yourself to fit into the size 2 jeans the magazines are telling you you need to. But Don't kill yourself with apathy and ignorance about your health either.

Life is about living with a purpose.
So work hard.
Make goals.
And enjoy the food.



  1. Go Austin:)! This is all so true, you get what you put into your health and it shows. Even emotional health like being positive about yourself and life can show in how you feel and look. Great post, I sometimes struggle wanting to be thinner or have unrealistic models be my heros but ultimatley we need to belive that God made us beautifully and wonderfully in his image:)


  2. Love it Danielle! You are definitely an inspiration to me :] xo
