9 more days.
4 more finals.
1 more day of classes.
The end of the semester is in sight!
You know what today is...
(or maybe you don't read my blog every week...)
...actually, you probably don't.
So maybe you don't know what today is...
That's okay though... Cause you know I'm going to tell you.
Are you ready?
Sit down, it's pretty exciting...
Okay okay fine.. I'll just tell you.
It's Pinteresting Tuesday!
{did I talk it up more than I should have..?}
Oh well! Happy Tuesday loves.
I think everyone has nerdy tendencies. Mine come out (...more than normal... because they come out a lot.) when I see, or am doing crafts. Sometimes I wish people liked nerdy things as much as I do, so I could a) make adorable necklaces like this for them, and b) so they would make them for me. Mark my words, I will make this and if you are the lucky one to get it... you better be thankful!
Apparently today is my nerdy day. I am the kind of person who would think this is really cool. And I do. Only now I can't make one.. because I just showed all of you... and it would be pointless because it's no longer a secret. Me and my big mouth.
Hey, why slow down on the nerdiness right now? Yes, I think these are awesome. I want kids just so I can make these right now. (Which is why I don't need kids right now.. because that's not a good enough reason.)
Have I told you that I'm obsessed with all things "husband and wife?"
Recently found on Pinterest that coconut milk helps hair grow long! I am dying for my hair to grow by the wedding day! I just may have to try this. I'll let you know how research goes!
I love this so much.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry I just had to. I'm really not into swearing, but come on! This is hilarious. I do not know anything funnier than watching someone fall... and this caught it mid face-plant. Priceless.
How is the week treating you?
Question: Do you have any hair growth secrets you know about?!
Question: When do your secret nerdy tendencies come out?
With Love,
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