Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Because it's Pinteresting.

Because I am attempting to make a more frequently updated blog, I decided I should dedicate some certain days to different things...

Tuesday in my life is pretty chill and fun for the most part.

Since I'm so addicted to Pinterest, I feel like it's only fair to update you all on the cool finds I am entertaining myself with via Pinterest.

So every Tuesday I will share my top 5 favorite Pins of the week!


I have had the worst Choco-Peanut Butter tooth ever lately, Peanut Butter Fudge Brownie Trifle looks like it would do the job. Of course the best part is making it, tasting it, then passing it off onto Matt, roommates, or the guys on Matt's hall. (The last thing we want is "The Freshman Fifteen" right before the wedding!)

{found at www.howsweeteats.com}


I have been so busy with school that I have yet to really decorate my part of the dorm like I would like to. I am such a fan of the messy, cluttered look. Plus I love the idea of having all of my interests, inspirations, and loves on one board. This Inspiration Board is next on my list of to-do's!


Thinking about a wedding often leads me to thinking about our home some day! Like I said, I love the cluttered. And we've been over my deep love for chandeliers. Oh, and turquoise is my favorite color. So basically what I am saying is that this kitchen is my ultimate dream kitchen!


Matt and I have been thinking a lot about engagement photos lately! Wendy (Matt's mom) is coming out for Thanksgiving and so we're going to go out and get some engagement pictures taken while she's here. Pinterest, like it is for everything, is great for finding Engagement Photo ideas! These are some of our favorites so far!

I'm crazy about the guitar idea! Matt does play, and I don't know how... Meant to be maybe?

I think I like the chalk idea more than Matt... Mainly because he can't handle the sound of chalk on a chalkboard... I vote he can suck it up ;]

We both fully agree that the road kiss needs to happen... Although kissing at Liberty is not permitted. It's okay to be a rebel once in awhile though, right? 


If you haven't noticed, I have created a pattern of things that are relevant to my life... So of course I need to ruin that with something that is not at all relevant, right? This is 100% for entertainment. Matt and I saw this and laughed for a solid 5 minutes. So hard that we were both crying. It is awesome. Enjoy!

Hope you enjoyed our first official Pinteresting Tuesday! If you don't already have a Pinterest account, change that. It's great! If you do have one, follow my Pinboards ! If you have one let me know, I'd love to follow yours! 

Sending my love, 
xo|Austin Jean.

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