Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pinteresting Tuesday.

Holy cow, it's already Tuesday again?

It's funny how the weeks seem to fly by... only not while I'm in class! 

What Pinterested me this week?


Something I am kind of in love with (and always have been) is claw foot bath tubs. I love them. If you haven't caught on by now I am the ultimate vintage anything junkie. I love old school bath tubs. I don't think I would want it to be this turquoise color (only because I will most likely have too much of this color in my home as is). Maybe peach or just white with gold? Or better yet peach and white and gold. Yes, that's it. 


Like I have previously mentioned, I love turquoise. I know I of all people am not one to be wanting another ring (considering mine is PERFECT) but I do love these aqua diamonds! I am really loving the vintage feel of these. I feel like it is a good way to go for a different take on a timeless colored ring.


Um am I the only one who loves these? How easy and so cute! I have yet to make an inspiration board collage, but when I scrounge up the cash to do that, these will have to be on it. Maybe glue pins to the back so I can push them into cork board and clip pictures and other good things in it? Love the idea. If I get around to doing it, I will be sure to get a picture!


It really is fall time now isn't it? It makes me want to drink hot tea, curl up on a cozy couch by a fire with these socks on! They're like slippers and socks. Oh the joys of fall and winter time. The only good part about leaving the summer is the simple pleasures of cold, brisk weather. Also, the awesome part about being in Virginia for fall time is that the leaves actually change color! Back home there are so many pine needles that it really doesn't seem to change seasons. The color change is something everyone has to experience!

Amen to that. This is hilarious. I encourage you to really look at the face of the little girl. Because it doesn't get much better than that. So if you see that running, wave and say hello because it is most likely me! ;]

What Pinterested you this week? Any of the same things that Pinterested me? Tell me about it!

Love you all, 

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